Ballet History

Ballet History

The word “ballet” was derived from the Italian word “ballare” for “to dance”. Technically, ballet can be defined as, “choreographically organized combination of dances”. Ballet is the creation of stylized performances by combining academic dance techniques with various artistic elements such as music, decor and costume. Ballet can either be dramatic (narrative) or purely aesthetic....

Adult Ballet Benefits

Adult Ballet Benefits

While we aim at taking pleasure in dancing and exercising in a balanced way with our adult ballet programme for a healthy body and mind integrity, ballet as an art form helps us maintain good posture, enables the body to be flexible and strong, and look elegant at the same time. Good posture, improvisation, and...

Adult Ballet Wear

Adult Ballet Wear

In general, required clothes for ballet are ballet leotards, tutus or skirts, ballet socks and ballet flats. Alternatively, those who don’t prefer classical clothing can wear tight t-shirts and socks. In order to receive reliable feedback, students must prefer tight clothes. Tight but flexible clothing, which don’t limit your movements, must be preferred. You can...

Ergotherapy and Dance

Ergotherapy and Dance

Ergotherapy is the art and science of managing participation of an individual in chosen activities to fix, amplify, and elevate performance, to make it easy to learn the skills and functions required for adaptation and productivity, to reduce or rehabilitate pathology, and to promote state of good health. World Health Organization defines health as “a...